Kyneton Golf Club Policies.
Club Competition Policy.
The Rules of Golf as prescribed by R&A Rules Limited and the USGA govern play. Golf Victoria official modifications (if any) to these Rules and any Local Rules of the Club shall also apply.
The conditions of play, organisation and control of Club competitions are delegated to the Captain and Match Committee whose decisions (in the absence of a formal appeal to the Club Management Committee) shall be binding.
Club competitions (other than Finals listed below) conducted of a Saturday or Sunday have tee-off times in the period 7.30am to 1.30pm. All qualifying rounds are unrestricted as to tee-ff times within this period. Finals rounds of Club Championships and Special Events – other than 4BBB and Foursomes – have tee-off times in period 7.30am to 1.30pm.
All Saturday play (including green fee players) must report to the starter for tee allocation.
All competitions shall be commenced by a member of the Match Committee who shall control hit-off times as appropriate.
Playees in Club competitions shall have precedence.
Groups of four have precedence over groups of fewer players.
The lowest handicap player in a group shall ensure the observance of Rules and etiquette and be responsible for the pace of play.
Conditions of Play shall govern all competitions.
Competition Timesheets shall be adhered to. Players booked in shall take precedence and failure to be present within 5 minutes of hit-off time may result in forfeiture of one’s place in the field.
Where in the program “shotgun start” is indicated, all players must adhere to this rule. Failing to do so will result in the score not included in the competition or disqualification.
Every player has an obligation under the Rules to respect the pace of play, and slow play may result in repeat offenders being relegated to the rear of the field in future events.
All 4BBB events must be played in 4’s preferably. However these games may be played in 3’s where the lowest handicapper may partner the remaining players. No 4BBB event can be played in a two.
Wood Policy.
Date Adopted: 10th June 2008 by Management Committee
The Management Committee has struck the following policy in regard to control over felling, clearing and removal of trees and fallen timber on the course. The committee is mindful of the need to follow community expectations in regard to greening and environmental standards and will exercise careful judgment in regard to these issues. We do have a duty of care however to identify areas where occupational health and safety are concerned, and we take that issue very seriously. Ultimately any action taken will reflect our attitudes to these matters, together with the playing amenity for all who use the course.
Authority for the control of this issue is delegated to the Course Superintendent via the Greens Committee. It is expected that the Club Captain will also be consulted if changes are necessary which affect the course layout and rating.
The Management Committee is aware that some members within the club have the experience necessary to safely perform the tasks associated with any work. Their involvement can be approved by the Course Superintendent. Where their involvement takes place they will share the cut wood with the club on a load for load basis.
The club may elect from time to time to use cut wood for the purposes of fund raising raffles and sale to members or non-members as the need arises.
Under no circumstances is any wood to be removed from the course without the permission of the Course Superintendent.
Committee members are excluded from removing wood from the course unless suitable commercial arrangements have been approved by the Management Committee.
Occupational Health and Safety Policy.
Date Adopted: 4th April 2009 by Management Committee.
The Kyneton Golf Club Inc. is committed to providing a safe working and recreational environment for its working staff, volunteers, Members, guests, and visitors to the Club’s facilities and properties.
The Club, therefore, is committed to indentifying safe work practices and reducing risk to all persons on Club premises and property at all times.
It is the duty of Club employees and volunteers to ensure that they adopt safe work practices at all times and assist the Club in the identification and where practical, the elimination or material reduction in risks to themselves, players, and other users of the Club’s amenities and facilities.
It is the duty of the Club to provide a safe workplace for all and to provide the appropriate resources to achieve this objective.
It is the duty of all Members to ensure the safety of others and to minimize risk to themselves and others by observing all Club policies, safety rules, House Rules, and adopt appropriate codes of conduct and behavioural requirements made by the Club from time to time or as specified in the Rules of Golf.
Examples of the application of this Policy include:
Procedures to prevent injury to staff and other users;
Requirements to prevent injury to staff from golf balls;
Requirements which prohibit the use of motorised golf carts within 5 metres of bunkers, drains, water hazards and water storage dams;
Adoption of the VGA Heat Policy (as adapted to local conditions);
Adoption of Policies to prevent discrimination, bullying and harassment, and to promote equal opportunity;
The prohibition of swimming and fishing in Club water storages;
Requirements regarding the wearing of shoes and appropriate clothing on Club premises and facilities.