How to join.
Want to become a member?
Becoming a member of Kyneton gives you access to one of the most challenging courses in Central Victoria, and it is universally known for its excellent layout and greens.
All memberships allow you access to the course 7 days per week, with the course being playable throughout the year. Competitions are played Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday, with access to these competitions available to members with Golflink Handicaps.
The club has invested in the Miclub program, One Golf, providing members with access to online scoring and GPS tracking via the MiScore App.
Please download the membership application form and return it to the club either my email to info@kynetongolfclub.com.au or drop off at the clubhouse. Payment of your appropriate membership fees can then be made via direct debit or via credit card payment at the clubhouse. You then have access to the course and clubhouse until your application is approved.
Your application will be reviewed by the Management Committee at its monthly meeting. Upon approval, the Membership committee will contact you with further information and access to the full services of the club.
The Committee has the right to refuse your application, without giving reason. Your membership fee will be refunded.
Membership Fees.
Base Fee
All days
Over 70 years of age on July 1st
Under 18
Under 18yrs of age on July 1st
Student 18-21
Full time student or apprentice over 18 but under 21 yrs on July 1st
2 Adults & children living at home (if Junior or full time student)
Golflink, Handicap, reduced green fees. No, trophy, or medal events.
Important Notes.
A player who joins during the golfing year (July to June) will be eligible for pro-rata payment, if joining after months end of September, December and March, provided full payment is made upfront
A player who joins after 30th April will be eligible to receive 14 months membership for the cost of 12 months, provided payment is in full and not by instalments
Pro rata fees amounts can be found on the application form - page 2. Please pay the appropriate amount, as indicated in the table.